Birgit Scheefe

(certified Polestar Pilates Practitioner, Dipl. Tänzpädagoge, former dancer)

 finished her dance studies at the „Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover“ in 1991.

During her dance career she worked with divers choreographers at different theatres in germany, at last at “Theater Dortmund” and “Staatstheater Darmstadt”.She has a Diploma for teaching dance (“Dipl. Tanzpädagoge”) und is a certified Polestar Pilates Practitioner for Matwork, Allegro and Studio.

Currently she is an Instructor for Pilates at the dancedepartment of the “Hochschule für Musik Köln” and in “Springs” Pilatesstudio Köln, working as a group and personal trainer including the complete work at the pilates apparatus.

She is working for the Instructorteam of Polestar Education and is a member of “Deutscher Pilatesverband e.V.” and “Tamed” (dance medicine Germany).

Her experiences as a dancer and diverse workshops in the field of preventing dance injuries and “Spiraldynamik” influence her teaching.


The Pilatestechnique is a neuromuscular training for strength and mobility. Focussing on breath and  concentrated movement, it builts the deep abdominal muscles ( the ‘powerhouse’ ) to protect the lumbar spine.

Proprioception and correct alignment will help to work economically with free joints.

Eyerybody may profit from Pilates, especially dancers to prevent injuries, solve dysbalances and find the correct alignment for free movements to improve the dancetechnique.